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Susan Purdy Groh

Lead Consultant

(248) 534-9068

My Story

Hello! I'm Susan, a certified Scentsy Consultant out of western Michigan! My fiancé and I just relocated to the area from Indianapolis with our soon to be 3 year old daughter and our 4 dogs. We are currently planning our wedding for October 2023!

I started my Scentsy journey in March of 2021. I was working routine overtime as an ICU nurse during the pandemic and my daughter had just turned a year old. At the time, I really didn't feel like I needed to have any more responsibility than I already had and really didn't have a huge interest in starting my own business.

I really just wanted the join kit. I've always been a fragrance lover, candles and lotions have always been my weakness. However, I will never forget when I tried the counter cleaner for the first time on my daughter's highchair. All of the dried up gunk wiped away easily, it smelled incredible. I was completely sold on Scentsy in that moment and I've never strayed away.

I really had no intention of operating my own business. I really just figured that it would be easier for me to continue to purchase the products myself instead of having to go through someone else. I didn't think I had the time or could handle any additional responsibility. What I didn't realize was how Scentsy would become a creative outlet that filled a void I didn't know I had. Sharing the products I love with others brings me so much joy. I mean, who doesn't love being in a space that smells amazing??

I would love to help bring some fragrance into your life! If you need some extra magic in your life, I'm happy to let you know there's room for everyone at the Scentsy table. Let's set up a time to chat and see if starting your own Scentsy journey would be a good fit for you!

What's warming in my home